Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Good Night Friends & Carol Rocks

What a day! Great release day. Thank you to all those who have supported me, Twittered me, Facebooked me, Google Plus-ed me, and in general just pimped my shit. I am exhausted, and feel like I've social media-ed my brains out today, but it was all worth it to hear people say they enjoyed this next chapter of Elle and J's story.

I want to offer you three promises:

1. J Roars is on its way very soon.
2. J Roars is longer than J Speaks.
3. I did my best to give you more sex (yay!) and a HFN in J Roars. I could't handle reading anymore "will they or won't they" bullshit, so I made it a point not to do that to you all.

Melted & Shattered is currently #64 in the interracial and multicultural category of Amazon Romance. It does my Anthropologist heart good to see that. No, it makes me feel Fae Fucking Fantastic. The world is peppered with all colors and cultures. I am honored to have the opportunity to share my experiences with people from all different walks of life with ya'll.

Yeah, I totally haven't gotten back to Ryder and Synthia and may not for another day or two. I will, though, because I am so deep into their world it's not even funny.

Thank you to Carol from http://starangelsreviews.blogspot.com/ for being the so fae freaking awesome. She is more than a blogger who I'm paying to pimp my shit. She is a woman who cares deeply, like Elle, and who works hard for those she cares about. I feel lucky to be one she cares about. I would recommend her services in a heartbeat to any independent author out there who wants exposure. She is more than a blogger or a PR lady, she is a human being who does everything from a place of love-- love of reading, love of supporting indie authors, love of all things romance, and a love for her family. I think she just may be a Mexican Mom. And if you don't know what that means, read Melted & Shattered!! :)

For now, thank you from the depths of my heart and soul, and good night!

Duermen con los angelitos-

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